Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator

Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to understand how many calories your body needs at rest. This can help you manage your weight and plan your diet more effectively.

BMR Calculator

Your BMR: calories/day

BMR Categories:

  • BMR is the number of calories your body needs to function at rest.
  • Use this value to estimate your daily calorie needs based on your activity level.

How to Use the BMR Calculator

  1. Enter Your Age – Input your age in the provided field.
  2. Select Your Gender – Choose your gender from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter Your Height – Input your height and select the appropriate unit.
  4. Enter Your Weight – Input your weight and select the appropriate unit.
  5. Select BMR Formula – Choose the BMR formula you wish to use from the dropdown menu.
  6. Calculate Your BMR – Click the “Calculate” button to see your BMR result.
  7. Reset the Form – Click the “Reset” button to start over.


  • BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate, the number of calories your body needs at rest.
  • The calculator supports three BMR formulas: Harris-Benedict, Mifflin-St Jeor, and Katch-McArdle. Each formula uses different variables and methods to calculate your BMR.
  • The Harris-Benedict formula is widely used and considers age, gender, height, and weight. Mifflin-St Jeor is considered more accurate for most people. Katch-McArdle is best if you know your body fat percentage.
  • No, BMR varies based on factors like age, gender, and body composition.
  • You can use your BMR to estimate daily calorie needs by multiplying it by your activity level.
  • Yes, BMR can change due to factors like age, weight loss or gain, muscle mass changes, and overall health.
  • Exercise can increase your muscle mass, which can raise your BMR since muscles require more energy to maintain than fat.
  • BMR calculations are estimates and can vary based on the formula used. For more accurate results, consider using a body composition analysis.